Relieve Hemorrhoids with Venixxa

Venixxa is an oral, natural health product that helps reduce the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are a normal part of the human body.

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They are cushions rich in blood vessels, including veins, that are located in the anus to help with stool control. Hemorrhoidal disease results from an increase in abdominal pressure, causing a swelling of the veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoidal disease is very painful, induces severe discomfort, and causes bleeding. All of these symptoms can severely alter your quality of life.

80 % of Canadians will suffer from hemorrhoids at least once in their lifetime.¹

What do hemorrhoids look like?

Do You Have Hemorrhoids?

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The symptoms of hemorrhoids are many and varied. Hemorrhoidal disease can cause a significant amount of discomfort and negatively impact your quality of life.

People are often embarrassed to talk about it, but if not treated immediately, hemorrhoidal disease may become more painful and can worsen over time.

Speak to your pharmacist or physician if you are experiencing any of the signs of hemorrhoids.

Anal discharge


Itchy bottom (pruritus)

Pain or discomfort

Looks familiar?

It is important to begin treatment right away, as hemorrhoids can worsen over time. If treated early, symptoms such as swelling, bleeding, and pain can be significantly reduced.

Venixxa is a Natural Health Product synthetically made from a natural-origin material extracted from immature oranges that provides relief of signs and symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

Treat Your Symptoms Early

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The symptoms of hemorrhoids can start off quite mildly and often resolve on their own, but this isn’t always the case. Understand the benefits of taking action to treat and prevent the symptoms of hemorrhoids. 2

External hemorrhoids are what most people think of when they picture hemorrhoids. Location is the only difference between the two different types of piles, but the difference in discomfort can be considerable. External hemorrhoids form on the outside of the anus, directly on the opening where there are a lot of nerve endings, so it can be particularly itchy and painful.

Internal hemorrhoids are formed deep inside the anus and are not usually visible. They can resolve without treatment, but occasionally they will swell and protrude from the anus. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids that have grown to the point that they protrude from the anus. The severity of internal hemorrhoids is measured using a grading system, based on how far they protrude:

Grade 1

Bleeding​ visible on proctoscopy​, protrusion upon exercice​, absence of prolapse


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Grade 1

There may be bleeding, discomfort and itching, and protrusion on straining but no evidence of prolapse. It is nonetheless essential that you treat from this first stage to avoid worsening symptoms.



Grade 2

Bleeding​, visible prolapse during exercise​, spontaneous return at the end of exercise


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Grade 2

Without treatment, your condition may worsen, leading to pain when using the toilet, bleeding and hemorrhoids that tend to prolapse when straining, but reduce when straining ceases.



Grade 3

Bleeding visible on proctoscopy, protrusion upon exertion, prolapse requiring manual reduction


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Grade 3

When hemorrhoids progress to Grade 3, bleeding is more frequent and your piles will prolapse on straining and need to be pushed back in. You can do this yourself. If there is a thrombosis (blood clot inside the vein) as well, the pain may be very strong.



Grade 4

Permanent and irreducible prolapse, bleeding​, discharge


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Grade 4

This is the most serious stage. You will have permanent piles that you can’t push back in yourself without pain in addition to previous signs and symptoms.



  • For information only. Venixxa does not treat all stages of HD


Sedentary lifestyle



Low fibre diet





What are the risk factors for hemorrhoidal disease?

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Hemorrhoidal disease affects people from all walks of life at various stages in their lives. Main risk factors for hemorrhoidal disease include chronic constipation, obesity, increasing age or pregnancy. But there are many reasons you might find yourself looking for solutions to hemorrhoids, some of which you can take steps to change.

Tips for preventing hemorrhoids

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Incorporate simple habits into your daily routine and maintain a healthy lifestyle to help protect against hemorrhoids and their recurrence:

Eat high fibre foods

Try including more high-fibre foods in your diet such as fruits, vegetables, brown rice, wholewheat pasta and wholemeal breads. These will keep your stools soft and avoid constipation (which can lead to straining and result in hemorrhoids).

Exercise frequently

Regular exercise will help relax muscles and increase blood flow for better healing.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids (especially water) will help keep your stools soft and manageable.

Go when you need to

If you wait to pass a bowel movement, it can result in your stool becoming dry and harder to pass.

Try a fibre supplement

A fibre supplement can help ensure you are getting enough fibre in your diet if you struggle to get enough through foods.

Avoid sitting for too long

Sitting for too long, particularly on the toilet, can increase the pressure on the veins around your anus making them more susceptible to hemorrhoids/prolapse.

Don’t strain

Straining on the toilet can put even more unwanted pressure on the blood vessels and aggravate an already sensitive area.

In addition to lifestyle modifications, there are a range of treatments available for easing the symptoms of hemorrhoids, including gels, creams and suppositories.

Hemorrhoids Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I need a prescription for Venixxa?

No. Venixxa is available over the counter at the pharmacy. If you cannot find it, your pharmacist can order it for you. Click here to find where it is available in your area.

How does Venixxa treat hemorrhoids?

Venixxa is a Natural Health Product synthetically made from a natural-origin material extracted from immature oranges that provides relief of signs and symptoms associated with hemorrhoids. Available without a prescription. Ask your pharmacist about Venixxa and get relief today. For more advanced hemorrhoids (grade 3), rubber band ligation may be required. It is best to speak to your physician about your options.

How often do I need to take Venixxa for hemorrhoids?

For acute hemorrhoids: Take 3 tablets twice daily for the first 4 days, then 2 tablets twice daily for 3 days. For a maintenance treatment: Take 1 tablet twice daily. For use beyond 2 months, consult a healthcare practitioner.

How long should I take Venixxa for?

Venixxa can be taken continuously to help to reduce the duration, intensity and recurrence of acute hemorrhoidal episodes. For use beyond 2 months, consult a healthcare practitioner.

I take a lot of medication, can Venixxa be taken with other medications?

You should speak with your healthcare practitioner.

What is Venixxa?

Venixxa’s active ingredient is a micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF). It is composed of citrus bioflavonoids, containing 90% diosmin and 10% other flavonoids expressed as hesperidin.

What does micronized mean?

Micronized means that a substance has been broken into very small particles for more effective absorption. These particles are more easily absorbed by the body, and are the key ingredient of Venixxa’s success as a treatment to better the health and tonus of veins in the chronic venous disease and hemorrhoidal disease.

Safety Information:

Venixxa - Safety Information

This product may not be suitable for you. Always read and follow the label and package insert carefully. Do not use Venixxa if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are taking prescription medication, consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use. If symptoms persist or worsen, or if acute hemorrhoidal episode persists after 7 days, consult a health care practitioner. If hemorrhoids are accompanied by rectal bleeding (bloody stools sometimes look like black tar), or if you experience change in bowel habit, consult a healthcare practitioner.

Adverse Reactions 

Hypersensitivity/allergy, gastrointestinal discomfort, dizziness, headaches, malaise and skin reactions have been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner.


  1. Disorders - Statistics - Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved August 8, 2018, from
  2. Lohsiriwat V et al. Hemorrhoids: From basic pathophysiology to clinical Management World. Journal of Gastroenterology 2012. May 7;18 (17): 2009-2017. Chronic venous and HemORrhoidal diseases evalUation and Scientific research.