Causes Signs and Symptoms
Five tips for managing hemorrhoid flare-ups while working remotely
Remote work, although it offers many advantages, can also present unexpected challenges for our physical well-being. One concern, less often discussed, is managing hemorrhoidal flare-ups. The pain and discomfort associated with this condition can quickly become bothersome, whether it's due to long hours spent in front of the computer or poor posture. There are several simple and effective solutions to relieve and prevent these flare-ups while staying productive. In this article, discover five tips for better managing hemorrhoids flare-ups, even while working from home.
1. Schedule breaks for the three Ws: water, walks, washroom
Create a schedule for yourself and set regular reminders to
- Drink water
- Walk around and,
- Take washroom breaks.
Here are the essential actions to treat and prevent hemorrhoidal flare-ups. These are also the easiest to forget when you're focused on a project, working alone without interruption. Set a schedule with regular reminders to drink water, take a walk, and take a break to use the bathroom
New routines can also be handy reminders to help get the three Ws in: give your dog a bit more exercise than normal with a walk in the morning and after lunch. No dog? Schedule calls with friends and chat while you walk safely around your neighbourhood, and bring water with you.
2. Observe your food and drink intake
Plan meals with ingredients rich in high-fibre fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose recipes where some components are flexible and can be swapped out based on what’s available at the store.
Prepare some of your meals for the week in advance (or even partially prep!), so they’re ready to heat up when you’re hungry. Lastly, alcohol consumption will affect hemorrhoid flare-ups, so be sure to keep an eye on your weekly intake.
3. Take more baths
Frequent sitz baths are always recommended for treatment of hemorrhoid flare-up symptoms, and involve sitting in a few inches of warm bath water. Whether you go for a sitz or a full bath, it’s a great time to incorporate the practice into a new daily routine.
4. Light exercise can be fun for the whole family
Encourage the whole family to keep active as a means of entertainment. This could be bike rides or walks, or finding a routine on YouTube that suits your household’s fitness levels. Non-traditional activities can count as exercise as well. Try a game of Twister or charades in the family room; tag or yard work if you have a backyard. Many online resources can provide helpful ideas for family fitness activities.
5. Less lingering on the loo
Reading a book or your phone once you’re done with your business can lead to straining, which further irritates the symptoms of hemorrhoid flare-ups. If you’re finding this an issue, skip the long read and leave your phone outside the bathroom.
Long-term management
There are options for long-term management and treatment beyond lifestyle changes. Venixxa is an over-the-counter natural health product that is taken orally and proven to reduce the duration, intensity and recurrence of hemorrhoid flare-ups.